WPTC crop update as of 9 June 2024 

News. Crop update WPTC

AMITOM & WPTC members met in Budapest on 9 June before the start of the 15th World Processing Tomato Congress to discuss the latest world production estimate which now stands at 47.2 million tonnes, 6% more than 2023 final volume.   Amitom countries Bulgaria Planting started ten to fifteen days early on 10 April and […]

WPTC crop update as of 17 May 2024

News. Crop update WPTC

Amitom countries Bulgaria No data Egypt The harvest of the early summer crop started in early May and temperatures are currently good with 30-32°C during days and 20-23 °C at night so the outlook is good. Due to the increased processing capacity, contracted surfaces have increased by 23% and the total 2024 forecast from 600,000 […]

WPTC crop update as of 29 March 2024

News. Crop update WPTC

Latest news Amitom countries Bulgaria planting will start earlier than usual on 4 April with most surfaces to be planted between 20 April and mid-June. Contract have not been signed yet, but prices will be between 115 euros and 125 euros depending on time of harvest and brix. Total surfaces should increase by about 10% […]

WPTC crop update as of 13 February 2024

News. Crop update WPTC

The current WPTC world production estimate following discussions during the organization’s Annual General Meeting on 13 February stands at 47 million metric tonnes.   There is no change in the forecast for California and most of the AMITOM countries compared with the last update at the end of January, except for Spain where better water […]

WPTC crop update as of 25 January 2024

News. Crop update WPTC

Although the first global production estimate for 2024 will only be available after the WPTC meeting scheduled in Sacramento on 13 February, the first processing intentions have been released for AMITOM countries and for California. Meanwhile, production is starting in most countries in the Southern Hemisphere.

Global tomato processing in 2023

Presentation on the processing tomato production in 2023 by Jason Fritsch, WPTC President, and WPTC members during the 2023 Tomato News Conference at CibusTec in Parma on 27 October 2023

WPTC crop update as of 26 October 2023

News. Crop update WPTC

Latest news Brazil Amitom countries Egypt The total expectation for the country remains 600,000 tons in 2023 till getting the figures after summer crop. Now processing from Nili Crop till December, and Winter Crop looks promising till the moment. France The season ended on 9 October in the South-East with a total volume close to […]

WPTC crop update as of 13 October 2023

News. Crop update WPTC

Latest news Amitom countries Egypt The summer crop is over with almost lower than initial forecast. Nili crop expected to start by the second week of October and quality looks promising. France The season ended on Saturday 7 October in the South-West and on Monday 9 October in the South-East with an estimated volume close to 160,000 tonnes. […]

WPTC crop update as of 29 September 2023 

News. Crop update WPTC

Latest news Amitom countries Egypt Summer crop is over with almost lower than initial forecast. Now we are in transition period till Nili crop as expected to start by mid of October and quality looks promising. France At the end of last week, 143,000 tonnes had been processed with an average brix close to 5 and […]

WPTC crop update as of 15 September 2023 

News. Crop update WPTC

Latest news Amitom countries Egypt The heat wave have affected yields in the summer season, but quality was ok. Temperatures are now back to normal and processing in small quantities as the crop is now transitioning to the late summer crop which will start mid-September. The transplanting for winter crop may be delayed 15 days […]

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